
August 12, 2015

sarathi-babaOdisha Channel Bureau Cuttack, Aug 12: Self-styled controversial godman Sarathi Baba was remanded to Crime Branch custody for another three days by a local court here today.Sub Divisional Judicial Magistrate (SDJM) B.Goutam granted three days remand for the accused godman even though the Crime Branch had sought five days’ remand for the Baba.The Crime Branch produced Sarathi Baba before the SDJM at the end of his three-days’ remand and sought extension of remand period.Counsel for the Crime Branch submitted before the court that his further interrogation was necessary as the he had to be confronted with several of his associates who had already been questioned about their involvement in the wrongdoings of the godman.The Crime Branch has been investigating into various aspects of the case they had registered against the godman, his family members and his associates.The accused Baba was produced before the SDJM amid tight security.The Crime Branch officials produced many incriminating documents and statements of Sarathi Baba and a list of his properties that they had seized. Crime Branch officials have also questioned several persons on the basis of the complaints lodged by the girl who had allegedly accompanied the Baba to Hyderabad, Jaipur and other places last month.

August 12, 2015 0 Comment

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