Odisha Channel Bureau New Delhi, Mar 7: Despite numerous legislations enacted to safeguard women, there is much that still remains to be done, said President Pranab Mukherjee in his a message issued on the eve of International Women’s Day.“There is a need for a fundamental re-setting of our mental and moral make-up as well as social conduct,” Mukherjee said in his greetings to the women of India.“On the occasion of International Women’s Day, I extend warm greetings and good wishes to the women of India,” Mukherjee said in his message.Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore wrote “Woman is the builder and moulder of a nation’s destiny.She is the supreme inspiration for man’s onward march”, the President mentioned in his message.“Women have played an extraordinary role in shaping the destiny of our nation.I pay tribute to all women who have given this nation their invaluable gift of labour and love,” Mukherjee added.The celebration of International Women’s Day is an opportunity for us to renew our commitment to the security and welfare of women, the President said.“Let us on this International Women’s Day apply ourselves to the goal of bettering the lives and prospects of the women of India.Let us ensure that honour and respect is accorded to women at all times,” said Mukherjee.
March 7, 2015
March 7, 2015
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