
May 28, 2016

Odisha Channel Bureau
Bhubaneswar: Many students are coming up with queries on the informational website of IIT-KGP for JEE Advanced qualifiers, why.iitkgp.ac.in, “My rank is 2**, should I join Electronics or Maths & Computing to ensure better placement?” “My rank is 1000+, I am applying in Agriculture & Food Engineering, what is the prospect of Placement in this Dept?” The faculty team in-charge of Career Development Centre have replied that “Based on the past records, it’s evident that those who have maintained a good academic CGPA in any of the disciplines, most of them students have been successful in getting the placement of their choice.”

They also added “IIT Kharagpur invites the best recruiters in the market during the placement season covering various sectors such as Core Engineering, IT, Finance, Consulting, Automobiles, PSUs, etc.The sheer diversity of recruiters across all domains and the extensive participation of overseas companies is an epitome of the global stature of the brand IIT Kharagpur.”Atal Ashutosh Agarwal, a senior student from IIT Kharagpur says, “The placement trend at IIT Kharagpur has shown that the flexibility in curriculum through Interdisciplinary programmes, Minor courses, co-curricular activities make our students fit into any sector such as Core Engineering, IT, Finance, Analytics, Consulting et al.It does not matter which discipline you study, you may make a successful in-road to placement.

Now to even more increase this flexibility in curricula, last year IITKGP introduced Microspecializations wherein students can study 3-4 subjects from other disciplines thus improving their employability in those fields.Also they can enroll for Dual Degree program thus opting for M.Tech.in interdisciplinary subjects like Financial Engineering, Engineering Entrepreneurship, Energy Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Quality Engineering Design & Manufacturing or MBA.The entrepreneurial frame of mind of the students of IIT Kharagpur has also received appreciation from the recruiters.

The corporate preparedness of the students is indicated by the significantly large number of students hired by the recruiters as compared to other institutes.The Institute also offers mentoring, grooming programme and psychometric tests to help students perform better in placement interviews.”The project Know your Department, which was created to assist the queries similar to the ones mentioned above, has turned out to be a great success.Vyom Shrivastava, the student coordinator of the project says “We also received queries on the campus of IIT Kharagpur.The queries were related to the facilities inside the campus and the aesthetics.To address these, we launched a campus tour video for our potential juniors.”

The video displayed the whole campus and the amenities inside it to make people more informed about the beautiful campus of IIT Kharagpur.The video became viral and was viewed by more than 15,000 people.The facebook page of IIT Kharagpur also had series of queries from JEE Advanced qualifiers who were then routed to the website why.iitkgp.ac.in to guide them accordingly.KGP students also started a facebook group to directly interact with the qualifying students, according to the Branding And Relations Cell, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.

May 28, 2016 0 Comment

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