
December 5, 2014

radharani-pandaOdisha Channel Bureau Bhubaneswar, Dec 5: The winter session of Odisha Assembly was adjourned sine die today after the House witnessed uproarious scenes for the 14th consecutive day over the mega chit fund scam issue.The session, which began on November 20, was scheduled to end on December 20, but was adjourned two weeks before schedule, a day after the House adopted a motion to reduce the sitting days of the House from 60 days in a year.Speaker Niranjan Pujari adjourned the House sine die after the Government Chief Whip Ananta Das moved a motion in this regard and the same was adopted in the House.The Assembly was adjourned sine die when the legislators of both Cong and BJP were outside the House.While the Congress had stayed away in protest against non-discussion of the fund scam issue when the House reassembled at 5 pm, the BJP legislators staged a walk out in protest against the non-discussion of the fund scam issue.Opposition Congress and BJP had been demanding for a debate on the fund scam even after Pujari refused to allow their request citing the opinion of the State Advocate General.Pujari had sought the AG’s views on the question saying that the fund scam cannot be discussed in the House as matter was sub judice.As many as eight Bills and the supplementary budget were passed in the session.Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik said the Assembly was adjourned as the opposition continuously disturbed the House when so many issued were to be discussed.The Assembly was adjourned sine die as the ruling party wanted to avoid a debate on the chit fund scam issue, said BJP Legislature Party leader Basant Panda.Even Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik did not make a statement on the issue, Panda added.

December 5, 2014 0 Comment

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